The iNFUMUS Group is a research group who specializes in and integrates social media and music. Our aim is to position and empower DIY (Do-It-Yourself) music fans, artists and labels to utilize the infinite amount of online resources to their advantage, build stronger followings and relationships with their fans, build a web presence and capitalize.

iNFUMUS is an acronym for iNtegral FUturist MUSic. We use integral philosophy, a theory used as a framework to explore the interior and exterior of both the individual and the collective of whatever is being investigated, to explore the challenges and opportunities of the music industry from a wholistic perspective. A futurist is someone who develops the knowledge and skill to understand future possibilities, with the ability to collaborate for a preferred future and are open to focusing on the future, challenging assumptions and thinking creatively about options. As a music group we aim to find solutions for the challenges we face, begin creating a more sustainable and vibrant music community, and continue to explore the future of music. 

We incorporate the "3 E's" (EMBRACE-ENGAGE-EMPOWER) model in our approach to build a better tomorrow. We EMBRACE, ENGAGE, and EMPOWER the community of change. The community is what's driving the music industry at the moment and change is the only reality. So to EMBRACE-ENGAGE-EMPOWER both elements is one of the infinite keys to unlocking the future of success.

iRule Atlanta